Awesome Mini Electronic -Notebook
- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews
This course is a representation of different standard application circuits that have been designed or collected by me, the author of this course. We are going to go through each and every one of the circuits, and will give an explanation of the circuit action. We will also give Electronic tips about the circuit(s) as we see fit as we go along.
The Course should follow illustrate more than 75 applications for such basic components as diodes transistors ,SCRS and Triacs see circuits are preceded by sections on resistors and capacitors it’s these components are essentially ingredients in nearly all semiconductor circuits . Common examples of circuits discussed are Voltage Regulators, Compactors, Operational Amplifiers integrator and differentiators and many different application circuits using passive components.
The student should have a Basic Understanding of Electronic Principles such as Voltage Current and Resistance also a knowledge of Ohm’s law is required. If the student needs a refresher or additional education on the vocation of Electronic circuits I refer them to my two courses “Super Electronic Circuit Theory Course” ,and “Awesome Electronics Course. Electronics from Soup to Nuts” . So without any further ado let’s turn the page and get on with this and let’s talk about Electronic Circuits.
1Introduction Review of the Basics Resistance voltage & MoreVideo lesson
This course is a representation of different standard application circuits that have been designed or collected by me, the author of this course. We are going to go through each and every one of the circuits, and will give an explanation of the circuit action. We will also give Electronic tips about the circuit(s) as we see fit as we go along.
2lab, Review of the Basics Resistance voltage & MoreVideo lesson
Further demonstration of Labs using Circuit Lab & DCAC Virtual Lab. Al uses the Circuit Lab & DCAC Virtual lab to further expalin the contents of Lecture 1
3Diodes and Rectifiers ExplainedVideo lesson
Diodes and Diode Rectifiers are Device that only allow Electron Flow (Current Flow) in ony One Direction. Morden diodea are made up of Semicinductor Material .Silicon or Germanium. The Forward Bias point for a Germanium Diode is 0.3 Voltls. The Forward Bias point is the amount of Voltage that a Semiconductor Diode need to Start Conducting Electrons (Current). 0.6 Volts tis the Bias point for a silicon Diode. In this section Al Explains the different type of Circuits that semiconductor Diodesare used.
4Lab for Diodes and RectifiersVideo lesson
Al Completes Diodes labs to his Students to demonstrate the Principles that Have bee discussed in the previous Section.

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